Hello and welcome!
Art of Lauren “Pineapple Pop” Veras
Storyboard / Illustration / Design

Lauren “Rem” Veras
Pineapple Pop
🇲🇽 / She/Her / ⚧️
Hello there! My name is Lauren. But you might also know me as Rem or as Pineapple Pop.I am a trans woman from Mexico. I am 24 years old.I’m a Storyboard artist, character designer and illustrator, with a style heavily inspired by all things cartoony.From classic Fleischer cartoons, to MidMod cartoons like Hanna Barbera to even eastern cartooning styles like Akira Toriyama and Eiichirio Oda’s work, i love and strive to capture all that toony goodness, with a slight splash of more moody and emotional themes.I mostly focus on storyboarding comedy and/or slapstick content.
A lover of musicals, nintendo games and everything animation bothbold and new. Always loving to explore the contents of the past while excited to help create the contents of the future.
Some examples of my work

original character of Crystalbeastie